01:38:26 - 15th out of 92 AG, 158/1359 OA
Today was a great finish to a great season, at least to this codger's eyes. Wound up nine seconds quicker than my calculations in the McMillan Running Calculator!
A chilly morning, ~5 deg. C, and I was dressed fairly well for it but will trust the system next year to pack extra warmup clothes and use their bag transfer system back to the finish line at Confederation Park. There was shivering, but at least we had the local school gymnasium for warmth, aided in no small way by the few thousand bodies milling within.
Note to self: must get the name of the half-marathoner who sang our national anthem beforehand. If that set of pipes held up for his run, he was destined for a PR.
Lessons learned: trust the instincts to replace my shoes sooner... I was stretching a glide on mileage, telling myself I'd kick off the off-season with a new pair, and I think fresher cushioning would have helped the paws today, given that my only physical complaint afterwards was sore soles.
I also clearly spoiled myself with running on trails to the extent I did; I think Bronte Creek's pathways didn't toughen me up sufficiently for the solid impacts of pavement and concrete; a full marathon distance today would have degenerated into blisters and hobbling.
I was chuffed to pass the 10k mark in the 43 min. range, faster than my standalone 10k time from the Moon in June race. It was cool running down the escarpment's grade on the closed off Red Hill Valley Parkway. This no doubt accounted for the lion's share of the four minute edge I tallied over my intended pace at the 12k mark (and perhaps the downhill impacts further mashed my soles!) Nevertheless, I enjoyed the free speed and could only dream of tearing down there, traffic-free, on my bike. Heck, even my Corolla would be a delight if it could slice through apexes without shoulder checks and signals.
Terrific volunteers were hawking their provisions like Marrakech market vendors. I only wished I was more dehydrated so I could take them up on their offers. While I ended up gargling down a couple of eLoad drinks around the 15k mark, that was it, per my training regimen of keeping it light & simple.
Big turnout, decent weather - for the time of year it was, friendly folks, what could be better? Ah yes, seeing a friend qualify for Boston! Kudos to you, Campbell. Next time, just don't cut it quite so close, as I don't think my heart can take much more of that!
UPDATE: Tuesday 5:20am - Ha! Forget the feet, they're fine enough; what I've really noticed is some late-onset stiffness/tenderness in my quads! Old ladies ask if they can help me walking down stairs at the college. I haven't felt this worn out in memory (and heaven knows I have a lot to remember). Not to worry, this tells me I really hustled and left nothing behind. Next time, though, I may dial down the Juggernaut setting on my downhill segments!
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